Defending the Constitution


The sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer of the county. As the chief law enforcement officer, I will uphold and enforce the laws of the land while ensuring the rights and liberties of citizens Kalamazoo County are respected and safeguarded. I will ensure that our God-given rights protected by the Constitution such as freedom of speech, assembly, and due process are upheld for all citizens without fear of discrimination.

Why I'm Running for
Kalamazoo County Sheriff

With great pride, optimism, and resolve, I announce my candidacy for Sheriff of Kalamazoo County. I am honored to seek your support on the August 6th Republican Primary ballot.

As your Sheriff, I will uphold the sacred Oath of Office to support and defend the US Constitution—a Covenant with the People and the Constitution that I take very seriously. Sadly, our current Sheriff has not honored this Oath.

We need a Sheriff who will fiercely protect our God-given liberties enshrined in the Constitution and Bill of Rights. I promise to be that Sheriff, not one who tramples on those rights.

We need a Sheriff who will stand up against the tyranny of a corrupt political establishment threatening to destroy our beloved America. I will not hide in my office while law-abiding citizens are labeled “Domestic Terrorists” for speaking out.

We need a Sheriff who will refuse to follow unconstitutional orders and mandates. I will never bully churches, businesses, and schools to close or force children to wear masks and enforce social distancing.

We need a Sheriff who will fully support the Sheriff’s Office and its deputies according to the Constitution. I will ensure our deputies and staff have the support they need to enforce law and order, not undermine their efforts.

As your Sheriff, I will always fight for We the People, not for the globalist crooks in both major political parties. Let’s restore integrity and constitutional values to our Sheriff’s Office together.


Support our campaign and keep our movement strong! Every financial contribution, no matter the size, is deeply appreciated and goes entirely toward strengthening our efforts. If you wish to contribute, please click the "DONATE" button below to make a convenient and secure donation. Thank you for your support!


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